How we work

The typical course of development has 4 steps: Planning, Analysis & Design, Development & Distribution, and finally Service. We prefer agile development, because that way you can change anything along the line and, of course, it carries lower risks. We use our own internal system for project management, and we work with the latest technologies.


The typical course of development has basically four steps.

  • Starting the project
  • Assembling the project team
  • Defining the communication and distribution channels
  • Preparing a detailed project plan
  • Project kick-off

Analysis & Design
  • Detailed analysis
  • Technical specification
  • UX/UI design
  • UX testing

  • Development and testing within simple development phases
  • Distribution of development versions to the customer

Distribution & Service
  • Publishing on application markets (for mobile apps)
  • Bug fixing
  • Operation, service, SLA, and other solution development (optional according to customer preferences)


We prefer agile development as it gives us more control over the project.

How does it work?

  1. Mapping processes, defining the default and current state
  2. Suggestions for process improvement and optimization
  3. Discussing the proposed solution together with the client
  4. Integration, realization, and implementation
  5. Evaluation and monitoring
  6. Discussing the proposed solution together as a team with the client
  7. Incorporation, realization, and implementation, iteratively supplied prototypes

Why do we recommend agile development?

Regular submission gives you an overview of the budget and workflow.
It is possible to change the whole development process and architecture through the project.
Product meaningfulness
You can respond to changes in the business plan by adding and/or discharging functions.
Lower risks
Due to continuous production, potential problems are revealed in time.


At eMan, we use our own internal system for project and customer demand management. EIS (eMan Information System) is based on the Redmine open source platform. We also use EIS to manage finances and other important business processes.


We work with modern technologies and tools. We always prefer to use what works best for the purpose and we are not afraid to experiment.