eMan helped to start a meal vouchers revolution through a solution developed for Edenred

For Edenred, a publisher of Ticket Restaurant meal vouchers and the meal vouchers leader on the Czech market, we have developed a unique solution through which innkeepers can now accept payments via mobile phone or tablets with Android. Just simply attach the electronic meal voucher card Ticket Restaurant Card to a mobile device and it is paid.

The mobile application E-Pay by Edenred, which we developed for Edenred, allows restaurants that do not have a traditional payment terminal to receive payment by electronic meal vouchers Ticket Restaurant Card. The digital meal voucher cards that Edenred issued in partnership with MasterCard are gradually replacing the traditional paper meal vouchers. Payments are made immediately, the paid amount is deducted from customer’s meal voucher account. Technology NFC (Near Field Communication) is used to transfer information between the card and mobile phone or tablet with the payment application.


Ticket Restaurant Card (TRC)

The solution has been developed with an emphasis on maximum safety and non-banking financial payments are processed through the application. The client puts high demands on operational reliability, scalability as well as the overall robustness of the solution. Especially on weekdays, it is necessary to plan on heavy service traffic at lunch time. The perfect mastering of NFC technology, the issue of reading of information from meal voucher cards and related requirements for high security were a major challenge for the team of eMan specialists.

E-Pay by Edenred - screenshoty

Edenred Company is just starting the pilot operation of electronic meal vouchers in Brno. Restaurant customers could also start using the modern method of payment in Prague and other cities in the autumn.

The mobile application TicketCard by Edenred, which enables electronic meal voucher users to check the current balance on their meal voucher account, is part of the solution. The application can also quickly find the nearest restaurant that accepts e-lunch vouchers. The application TicketCard by Edenred is available for users of smartphones with Android (Google Play link) as well as iPhone users (App Store link).


UPDATED October 2, 2015:

After a successful pilot operation, which took place in Brno during the summer, the possibility of convenient payments in restaurants is gradually expanding to other Czech cities. It is now possible to pay with electronic meal vouchers by Edenred in more than 1,500 establishments. More information is in the article Neither meal vouchers will not avoid the digital trend, which was published on Strategie.cz.

Tomas Cermak
Member of the Board of Directors, eMan a.s. & CMO