Digitization of craft and industry 2: augmented reality

From smart boilers we are moving to augmented reality, planes and technology that could well help you in a few years – to repair your car, for example.

In the last article, we described how much time and work a boiler repairman can save using a smart box and some software. Today we´ll have a look at a product that we developed in a field of a weightier nature – aviation services. And again, we´ll have a look from the first-person perspective of a repairman (for today we’ll call him Mr. Jet).


Before we begin…

Our application works both on expensive AR glasses such as Microsoft Hololens, and on a smartphone embedded in a simple headset. The type of device used affects the method of operation (pupil scan/gesture / tap) and the display quality, yet all essential functions remain the same.


A day at work

Mr. Jet enters the hangar with his headset on. The application recognizes (via camera) which planes are in for service today, and marks them in his field of vision. The moment Mr. Jet comes to the aircraft, a checklist appears on the left side of his field of vision, while on the right side appears instructions for the first step of the work. Detailed, real-sized layouts of individual components are also part of the instructions.

The fulfilment of each step is recorded in a way depending on the device being used – by looking at a specific corner, gesturing, or tapping. Then, the next instruction appears. This is how Mr. Tryskovský can proceed, step by step and airplane by airplane, sure that he won´t miss anything, with detailed instructions in front of his eyes and with free hands.



  • Easy and fast work organization
  • The employee has all the data he needs available while having free hands
  • The checklist ensures that no step will be missed


After work

The application records Mr. Jet’s entire working procedure. The video is then uploaded to the cloud, so it is possible to check his work procedure anytime, and if any mistake or ineffective method is found, it is possible to improve the manual. 

  • Possibility to check completed checklists
  • Possibility to control the work from the records
  • Data and records from the application are building materials for gradual streamlining and improvement of the work process


And further…?

We take this application as the beginning of a trend that is soon going to root into “normal” people’s lives. For example, a car factory can start using it also. Then you, being the factory´s customer, could download it and, with use of a simple headset, start repairing your car. If you encounter a more serious problem, you can, via the app, just send the record to their service department, which then can perform diagnostics and communicate the best further steps.

And it doesn’t have to stop at machine services. What about an AR application where you can see how new furniture will look in your living room? And which will, after the furniture comes, assist you with its construction? Technically, we can already do this today. So it’s only a matter of time…

Do you want to know how we can help move your business into the future?

Jan Kučera
Division Director