We introduced our door-to-door solution during the Mobile Internet Forum 2017 and La Degustation Online conferences. A tablet equipped with our app helps dealers and protects clients.
It’s time to get rid of pen and paper, my dear salesmen

Our Solution Architect Vláďa Toman talked about the revolution of moving from paper forms to tablets during the Mobile Internet Forum 2017. This event is intended for the general public and our ambassador was supported by a team of three colleagues working behind the scenes.
My turn came during the La Degustation Online. This meeting was organized by Asociace.BIZ, an association of suppliers focused on providing online solutions, which eMan is a member of. The aim was to share information and new trends with similarly oriented IT companies.
Imagine that you are a CEO of a bank, insurance company, utility company, or any other company where you sign contracts with your clients. This means that you probably have a large back-office stuffed with piles and piles of paper forms. And, more often than not, your dealer brings the signed contract only to find that information is missing, wrong or illegible. On top of this, you don’t have an exact idea about the actions and performance of your dealers. Not to mention the fact that laws and legislation change constantly, resulting in the need to introduce new systems, or change the existing processes and systems in place.
What if I told you that we have a solution and we talked about it during the conferences? I’m of course referring to an app for tablets which saves time and paper and about biometric signatures which, under the applicable Czech legislation, fully replace signatures by hand.
How does it work, you ask? A dealer carrying a tablet meets a client to sign a contract. This contract is filled out during the meeting and, after it is signed, is sent to an admin portal where it gets verified. If there is something amiss with the contract, the dealer receives a notification within a few minutes and still has a chance to change and modify the necessary details with the client during the same meeting. Only when the contract is correct is it entered into the company’s system. This is how the time necessary for a similar process of our client, Bohemia Energy, got reduced from two weeks to two days without the need for a single paper form. To find out more about this solution, please see our case study.
Our lectures and booths were enjoyed by many and as a reward we got a good feeling and new business contacts. Moreover, we participated in discussions about new trends in banking and about the usage of Face ID and Face Recognition in this field; also our “suitcase”, a device for testing apps for smart cars, caught people’s attention.
Furthermore, it was interesting to see the growing demand for augmented reality, stemming from Apple and Google already offering integrated support. We can’t wait to see what more these solutions using augmented reality have to offer.