eMan Blog

User experience in the digital era: Why UX/UI design is crucial to success in the energy sector

In a digital era where customers expect instant access to information and seamless interaction with technology, user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design are becoming critical factors for success. Quality UX/UI design increases customer satisfaction, improves efficiency, and reduces costs. In this article, we look at why UX/UI design is essential in the energy sector.

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AI technology from eMan will change (not only) Czech gaming [PRESS RELEASE]

February – Big changes are coming to the Czech gaming scene. The game Alteration is changing its name to Realms of Alterra (RoA), abandoning the idea of NFT, and turning into a full-fledged RPG with a unique technology that, with the help of artificial intelligence (AI), brings a new perspective on the gaming world. Development in the game will be boosted by an investment of more than 50m CZK (2.2m USD). RoA was developed by Legend Has It, a subsidiary of eMan. Its AI technology has potential uses beyond the gaming industry, and the newly-founded company Anigmation will help in its development.

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Michal Košek to lead the software house eMan [PRESS RELEASE]

As of the new year, Michal Košek, one of the founding members of the Prague software development house eMan, will lead the company, listed on the Start market on the Prague Stock Exchange. After more than eleven years as Chief Operating Officer, Košek will replace CEO Jiří Horyna, who will continue as Chairman of the Board of Directors.

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One of the first cryptocurrency RPG games is coming to the Czech Republic [PRESS RELEASE]

The Prague software house eMan is developing and will start operating an online cryptocurrency game called Alteration. It will be linked to the NFT world and will run on the network of the world's largest cryptocurrency exchange, Binance. The game will be created under a newly established eMan subsidiary, Legend has it.

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Czech IT company eMan starts its own investment fund, focusing on fintech and digitalization [PRESS RELEASE]

The Prague software house is establishing an investment fund, called eMan Innovations. It will focus on Czech and international projects with global ambitions.

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eMan on START Day 2021

After half a year, the Prague Stock Exchange is coming up with its spring event START Day 2021.

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eMan Reports Turnover of Over CZK 175 Million

Despite 2020 having been a complicated year, the Czech IT company eMan confirmed that software companies are thriving in a crisis. After its successful entry on the Prague Stock Exchange in August, eMan affirmed its ambitions and reported the best economic results in its history. For the first time, turnover exceeded CZK 170 million.

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eMan is on its way to the stock market

eMan, one of the leading Czech software houses, prepares for an IPO on Prague’s START stock market. This offering should happen in the first half of 2020. The plan is to offer stocks worth around 40 million Czech crowns. The company is also currently negotiating with several strategic investors, as the possibility of a direct sale is still on the table.

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The dark side of agile development (5/5): Is it worth it?

On the way from a historic factory to an IT developer, many things can change, improve – even go wrong. The methodology can easily turn into a marketing motto and charade. Good intentions can do more harm than good. The final number in our dark series brings a summary and a few poignant answers.

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Honeywell and eMan sign a Memorandum of Understanding

Based on long-term cooperation, Honeywell recognizes us as a partner in innovation and software development.

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